Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer:
Kevin Hayes
134 Birmingham Road
Ansley Village
CV10 9PL
Tel: 0247 7986288 | Send email
Grants Available
The Ansley Parish Council Small Grants scheme provides up to £1000 per annum to assist projects carried out by any local community group or individual with their own bank account. Please click on the links for the guidance notes and also the application forms. Please note that there are two different application forms depending on whether you are a group or an individual, and the limit for individual applications is £250.
For further information or advice on how to make an application:
Please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council on 0247 7986288
Parish Council Budget setting
The Budget is set every December/January for the forthcoming financial year. The financial year starts on 1st April and ends on 31st March. We get most of our money via the "Precept" which is a demand on the Borough Council to enable us to function. This demand is then passed on to parishioners via the Council Tax, but is kept as low as possible. If we have any large projects for example playground equipment, we can and do apply for grants from outside bodies such as landfill companies. We have been very successful with these applications in the past which has made a huge difference around the parish. However we usually have to contribute a small percentage in the region of 5% of the projects ourselves although we have sometimes been awarded 100% of the costs.
Payments made for £100 or over
Parish Councils affected by the new Transparency Code rules now have to provide a list of payments made for £100 and over. Ansley Parish Council already has an open and transparent policy of putting every cheque issued in our minutes. However to comply with the code a seperate list has to be provided for larger items of expenditure.
Please click on the link below to open the table of payments made.